1. John
  2. Feedback and ideas
  3. Friday, August 26 2022, 05:42 PM
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I just bought the EU VAT product. I installed vqmod, then the EU VAT product, as per instructions. When I try to edit the module in opencart admin, I get the error: Undefined array key "token" in system/library/owc/owcbase.php on line 319
I think I messed up somewhere. Any help appreciated.
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Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi John

Please provide in the Site Details tab your website data and I will check it.
Thursday I will take a look.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
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John Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the speedy reply. Indeed I was on an older version. I now have v2.69 of VAT on OC version v3.0.3.8. I'm not using ocmod.
I now see Brexit options in the module configuration window.
When I test checkout for a business customer and I enter a fake VAT number, I see briefly an hourglass but no error is shown. Similarly, using a fake or real VAT number, reverse charge is not working on checkout.
Best regards,
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  1. more than a month ago
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Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer

Did you downloaded latest version of my website shop.openwebcreations.eu? There you have also an ocmod version.
And please upload the right opencart version of my extension.
If you did that and still not working, enter in the site details tab you login and then I will check the installation.

Best regards
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