1. Ivan
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. Saturday, June 11 2022, 08:23 AM
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hey there,

i have following question.
When an user or customer is creating an account he can choose between private and business.
For Private no need to enter Company and VAT ID, which is mandatory for the company.
Now in my case if i switsch from private to business and the other way around its only hiding the vat for private but it should hide the field company as well. how i can do that?

the other thing is, how an exisiting company profile can change the VAT number.
The exisiting VAT is not showing in the address nor when creating a new address. (in Account and Checkout)
For Guestcheckout its working very well.
Did i miss any otion for that one?

Many thanks in advance for your time
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Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Ivan

Default OpenCart is that the company field is in the address and is always available. Only custom fields can be displayed/hidden depending on the selected customer group. If you want to hide company field you must check if there is an third party extension for it, like this one https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&;extension_id=32794&filter_category_id=5&filter_rating=2.

When you configure a custom field with type account, you only can edit this custom field the customer account edit screen, not in customer address edit screen. If you want that you must configure the custom field with type address.

Best regards
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