* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note

(Latest version can be downloaded at shop.openwebcreations.eu)

1.8.8 - 03-11-2022
+ Added admin extension backup and restore settings.

1.8.7 - 20-10-2022
+ Added admin extension tab for displaying extension (debug)logging.

1.8.6 - 21-07-2022
+ PHP 8.1 support added.
# Bug Fix: Disabled manufacturers will not be displayed in front.

1.8.5 - 27-05-2022
# Bug Fix: OC3 Admin manufacturers missing status filter.

1.8.4 - 05-03-2022
^ Compatible fix for OpenCart from ocstore.com.

1.8.3 - 03-03-2022
^ Made a special Journal 3 theme support zip.
^ Fixed a third party extension compatibility issue.

1.8.2 - 17-01-2022
^ Added support for ocmod.

1.8.1 - 30-02-2019
# Bug Fix, Missing file in OpenCart 3 version.
# Bug Fix, Admin module template error solved

1.8 - 10-02-2019
+ Add Category filter by manufacturer
+ Add manufacturer enabale/disable feature
# Bug Fix, CKEditor support
# Bug Fix, Journal product filter

1.7 - 02-08-2018
+ Journal theme compatible.

1.6 - 26-03-2018
# Bug Fix, Loading templates problem solved.

1.5 - 14-03-2018
# Bug Fix, Manufacturers in top menu bar OpenCart 3
+ Add Display manufacturer with link on all product list pages like category list, product list and all modules.

1.4 - 11-03-2018:
+ Add support for OpenCart 3.x.x
+ Add Category filter by manufacturer

+ Add manufacturer enable/disable feature1.3 27-03-2017:

1.3 27-03-2017:
# Missing summernote script in OpenCart 2.3.x.x

1.2 - 19-01-2017:
# BUGFix: Changed two hardcoded database table prefix strings.

1.1 - 29-09-2016:
+ Add Manufacturer module

1.0 - 26-09-2016:
+ Initial version